How To Put A Wig

When you are putting a wig on, the wig cap may need to be worn differently depending on your needs and whether you want a wig that sits around your real hairline or if you want it to cover up all of your head.

In this blog, we will explain how to put on each wig type below.

1) For Wigs with a Lace Front or Wig Skin:

Using a wig grip tool or combs, push the wig into position by hand until you can’t see any more scalp through the lace/cut hole at the front (your ‘hairline’) – this means that when viewed from in front, your head looks like it has no hair growth above it but still has quite long hair so that it appears thicker than it really is.

You may need to adjust the wig grip tool/combs every few inches as they don’t grip very tightly, but you can get the wig into position much faster.

Make sure the wig cap doesn’t have any wrinkles because this will be visible through your wig.

2) For Wigs Without a Lace Front or Wig Skin:

Use a wig grip tool or combs to push the wig down onto your scalp until you can’t see any more scalp through the wig cap – this means that when viewed from above,

your head looks like it has no hair growth above it and there is not so much loose hair under the wig cap (people might think baldness rather than thinning).

Push wig to the back of your head so that wig grip tool/combs are on top of wig cap rather than underneath wig cap, this will stop wig slipping forward when you wear it.

Wigs with a Lace Front

3) For Wigs with a Lace Front or Wig Skin and Wig Cap on Top:

Using wig grip tool or combs, push wig down onto your scalp until you can’t see any more scalp through the lace/cut hole at the front (your ‘hairline’) – this means that when viewed from in front, your head looks like it has no hair growth above it but still has quite long hair so that it appears thicker than it really is.

You may need to adjust the wig grip tool/combs every few inches as they don’t grip very tightly, but you can get the wig into position much faster.

Make sure the wig cap doesn’t have any wrinkles because this will be visible through your wig.

4) For Wigs without a Lace Front or Wig Skin and Wig Cap on Top:

Use a wig grip tool or combs to push wig down onto your scalp until you can’t see any more scalp through the wig cap – this means that when viewed from above,

your head looks like it has no hair growth above it and there is not so much loose hair under the wig cap (people might think baldness rather than thinning).

Push wig to the back of your head so that wig grip tool/combs are on top of wig cap rather than underneath wig cap, this will stop wig slipping forward when you wear it.

How To Fix A Wig If It Falls Off

How To Fix A Wig

This is the reason why wig-wearers often have problems wearing their wig, if wig falls off easily then this causes confidence issues and we may not want to leave the house in a wig for fear of people seeing that it has fallen off again!

Luckily there are some things you can do to stop your wig from falling off.

Firstly, consider making some wig tape (either with wig grip tool or just adhesive strip) – ask your doctor or wig-seller about what material you should be using as some kinds of wig tape can cause skin irritation!

1) For wigs with a lace front or wig skin: Lift wig up and away from your head to see if wig grip tool/combs are still in place underneath wig – wig should not move or fall off when it is lifted slightly.

If they are, then you will need to re-position wig grip tool/combs for wig cap that sits on top of wig.

2) For wigs without a lace front or wig skin: Lift wig up and away from your head to see if wig grip tool/combs are still in place underneath wig cap – this will be at the back of wig where you put them on when putting on the wig.

The wig should not move or fall off when it is lifted slightly.ย  If they are, then you may need to wig grip tool/combs more tightly or add wig tape.