Three Popular Celtic Symbols of Motherhood and Family

Celtic jewelry

Celtic family life was especially important to the ancient Celts. 

The basic family unit of Celtic life was called the clan. The Celtic clan was virtually a tight extended family unit.

Clans were compelled to associate loosely with other clans creating tribes. Each Celtic tribe had its own community structure, rules, and traditions, and they might have even had their own gods.

The family structure or clan was especially important in ancient Celtic life and has been the inspiration for Celtic jewelry for generations.

Celtic Family Knot is a Celtic Symbol for Love and Family

The Celtic family knot is a symbol of strong and powerful Celtic family bonds. Celtic knot symbols have always inspired ways to express aspects of our Irish Celtic family lives.

The Celtic symbol for the family represented in jewelry and Celtic family knot tattoo inspirations are popular to express one’s strong Celtic family bonds.

The Celtic symbol for family, the Celtic Family Knot represents the strong family bond. This original Celtic Family Knot design is great for all moms and is a symbol of family love.

What is the meaning of the Celtic Family Knot?

The Irish Celtic symbol for family, the Celtic Family Knot is a reminder of the beauty of family love. Celtic knots are eternal and strong like the bond that holds a family together.

The Celtic Family Knot Pendant is a keepsake that will be cherished.

Whether you are a single parent with one child or a couple starting a family this Celtic Knot Family of Two Pendant is perfect.

What is Mother’s Claddagh?

Our Mothers Claddagh Necklace represents the eternal bond of friendship, love and loyalty shared between a mother and her child.

A mother’s love is immeasurable. She has great dreams for her children and she patiently standing by as she watches them chase them.

She is there to see them soar and she catches them when they fall.

She might not always be perfect but in the end she will always be there. She is a devoted mother.

The Meaning of the Mothers Claddagh…

The Claddagh ring means eternal love, loyalty, and friendship. Claddagh rings consists of a heart with a crown held by two hands symbolizing love, loyalty, and friendship.

Claddagh Rings have become a world-renowned symbol of love.

The mothers claddagh is a humble stylized parent and child embrace representative of the Madonna and child combined with a traditional Irish claddagh is a testament to the enduring bond between a mother, her child, faith, and their Irish heritage.

The Celtic Motherhood Knot A Symbol of the Mother and Child Bond

Many Celtic Symbols have influenced many aspects of daily life. Celtic symbols in general represent the natural cycles of life, love, and the strength of the unbroken bond. Naturally lending itself as a symbol for Celtic Family.

But perhaps the best example of a Celtic knot symbol representing the Celtic family is the Motherhood Knot called the Celtic Mothers Knot.

The Celtic motherhood knot is also known as the Celtic Mothers Knot is a design based on the famous Trinity Knot, also known as the Triquetra.

The Celtic Mothers Knot combines the beautiful meaning of the trinity knot with a stylized depiction of a mother and child.

The Celtic depiction of the popular Celtic knot known as the Trinity Knot dates back for generations.

The Celtic Trinity Knot is a circle interwoven with a continuously flowing three-point symbol.

The Trinity knot, an early symbol of Christianity, pre-dating the Celtic represents the Holy Trinity. The Holy Trinity is the three in one of the Father, Son, and the Holy Ghost.

There are many depictions of the Celtic Trinity Knot in history including in the Book of Kells. The Trinity Knot is the perfect Celtic symbol used to depict the love be between a mother and child in the Celtic Mothers Knot.

 Meaning of the Iconic Celtic Symbol for Motherhood, The Celtic Mothers Knot

The intricate Celtic motherhood knot known universal as the Celtic Mothers Knot symbolizes the perpetual bond and strength of love between a mother and child.

The meaning of the Celtic motherhood symbol, The Celtic Mothers Knot revolves around the maternal love between mother and child that endures the test of time.

At its heart, The trinity symbol combined with the image of a mother and child symbol portrays the resilient, never-ending bond of love that exists between mother and child from the moment the child is conceived until birth and for eternity. A mother’s love for her child is one of the strongest things on earth.

Celtic Motherhood knot designs are used as a popular tattoo design.

The Celtic Motherhood Knot like to extremely popular The Celtic Mothers Knot highlights an eternal bond in a popular tattoo design.   A Celtic motherhood knot tattoo symbolizes a mother’s love for her child.