When anyone wants to follow a healthy routine, yoga is always popular.

It helps our body and mind to lose weight, or meditate.

The poses benefit the mind and body, among other advantages such as providing strength and endurance, relieving tension, and even curing many illnesses.

Nowadays people choose yoga for fit and balanced bodies over the gym.

Here are 5 Best Yoga Poses, with Names and Benefits …

1. Standing Forward Fold Pose

Standing Forward Fold Pose
Beautiful woman practicing yoga, Standing Forward Fold Pose

This pose is a forward bending pose that helps release the body from tension and anxiety.

It provides a deep shoulder stretch with arms position.

It helps the arms to stretch and straighten the shoulders to relax by linking the wrists.

Even send back some blood to the brain as the legs stretch.


  • Calms the brain and helps reduce stress and moderate depression
  • Makes liver and kidney stimulants
  • Extend the hamstrings, the calves, and the hips
  • Reinforces thighs and knees
  • Means digestion
  • Helps reduce menopausal symptoms

2. Bound Angle Pose

Bound Angle Pose
Young attractive woman practicing yoga, sitting in Butterfly exercise, Bound Angle Pose

This pose is for beginners, it allows the hips to open up and ease the pain of sciatica which gets worse because of long sitting habits.

The sciatica nerves originate from the lower back and run down both the legs and when these nerves are somehow squeezed, the people suffer with pain.

The condition is aggravated by long commute and long sitting hours.

The Benefits

  • Reinforces and enhances flexibility in the inner thighs, groin, and knees
  • Helps prepare the hips and groins for meditative sitting poses requiring greater flexibility in these areas
  • Helps alleviate menstrual malaise and digestive complaints
  • Relieves tiredness according to conventional yoga texts

3. Lord of the Dance Pose

Lord of the Dance Pose
A woman practicing Lord of the Dance Pose

This pose is perfect for men and women.

This helps enhance body posture and increase focus, and also strengthens knees, thighs, and chest bones and muscles.

It decreases weight, and our posture and balance are strengthened.


  • Improves gender equality
  • Improves postural sensitivity
  • Boost body sensitivity
  • May increase strength, and battle tiredness
  • Could help build trust and empowerment

4. Tree Pose

Tree yoga Pose
Attractive woman practicing yoga Tree Pose

This pose is a part of the session of Surya Namaskar.

It can be best done outdoors as the name implies, early in the morning.

Trees want to receive fresh open air and morning sunshine. It helps to balance and concentrate properly.

You need to stand upright on one foot, and you need to lock other foot above your knee, and hands up upright in prayer pose


  • Strengthens foot ligaments and tendons
  • Reinforces and tones the whole leg, up to the buttocks
  • Helps the body establish pelvic stability
  • Building confidence and self-esteem

5. Bound Hands Ear-pressure Fierce Pose

Bound Hands Ear-pressure Fierce Pose

It has many benefits, strengthens the thighs and glutes, stretches the chest, lower back, and shoulder.

When you are suffering from any hip, knee, ankle, or shoulder injury, it’s advised to perform this pose with special caution.

By performing these poses, improve personal power to remain safe and fit.


  • This gives your lungs many advantages, and it improves your breathing.
  • It frees up and broadens your shoulders and neck pain.
  • It helps with stress relief, anxiety, fatigue, and sleeping disorders.
  • It increases energy levels with regular practice and controls negativity.
  • The muscle tissue is released from knees to ear.

Practice Yoga on Active Rest Days or After Your Training Session

In order to use yoga postures to gain strength and improve performance, practice them after your training session so that your body can recover from the poses for at least 24 hours.

Though yoga is restorative, it’s still a very intense physical practice (when you want it to be) and your body needs time to recover from it, especially your nervous system.